“Interior 室内设计学士学位
/Department of Design


The 室内设计学士学位 program at 利记sbo is an accredited, 专业的以工作室为基础的学士学位课程. It offers a curriculum that encourages students to create intentional interiors in a manner that is practically grounded, critically framed, 并在文化相关性和技术进步方面投入了大量资金. 该计划是由认证的  室内设计认证委员会  (CIDA), the  全国艺术与设计学院协会  (NASAD),是一个注册的校园中心  国际室内设计协会  (IIDA).

Read More The curriculum reinforces the interdisciplinary nature of design with common foundation courses for all CoAD programs during the first year, 随后是许多多学科课程和选修课. We balance the studio experience with courses that build the theoretical and technical skills needed for success. 学生受益于专门的工作室空间和获取材料, lighting, digital, 木材和金属制造实验室.

For students interested in achieving professional status in both Interiors and Architecture, we offer a direct entry Master of Architecture linked to the 室内设计学士学位 that can be completed in six years (181 credits). 有关直接入学计划的更多信息,请参阅  program website

在利记sbo学习期间, 我们的学生通过现实世界与当地设计社区建立联系, sponsored projects and internship opportunities that allow them to explore the latest innovations in technology, research and theory. 我们的学生离开利记sbo时具有批判性地参与实践的能力, 分享引人入胜的设计故事, 成长为思想领袖. Read Less


Trent Schmitz室内设计图

green office space

chair in woods

3D Building GIF

green office space

Careers in Interior Design

利记sbo’s 室内设计学士学位 program prepares students for creative and satisfying careers in a range of areas. 而许多毕业生在室内实习, 建筑和多学科设计公司, others work as workplace strategists for leading companies and commercial real estate firms, 或者专门从事家具或照明设计.

Featured Alumni


Basic Design Gif

student construction


CIDA Accreditation

The interior design program leading to the 室内设计学士学位 is accredited by the 室内设计认证委员会, www.accredit-id.org, 206 Cesar E. 查维斯大道西南,350套房,大急流城,密歇根州,49503.

cida认证的课程为学生准备入门级室内设计实践, for advanced study, 并申请专业室内设计组织的会员资格. The 室内设计学士学位 granted by 利记sbo meets the educational requirement for eligibility to sit for the National Council for Interior Design Qualification Examination (NCIDQ Exam). 有关NCIDQ考试资格的更多信息,请访问: www.cidq.org/paths

It typically takes students 14-16 credits per semester and four years to complete the degree program. 

68.4% of students admitted in the fall of 2023 returned in the fall of 2024, putting attrition at 31.5%. (数据来源:机构研究) 

Graduation Rates
在2023年毕业的学生中,13%的人在4年内毕业. 75% graduated in 5 years. (数据来源:机构研究) 

6 out of 8 students who graduated in 2023 applied for graduate school, and 5 were accepted. All of the students who pursued graduate studies enrolled in 利记sbo’s Master of Architecture program. (数据来源:机构研究) 

Job Placement Rates
100% of students who graduated in the 2022/2023 academic year were employed in interior design or a related profession upon or within three months of graduation. 攻读硕士学位的学生都保住了工作. (Data source: Institutional Research and student self-reported information via LinkedIn)

Admissions + Curriculum

进入室内设计课程遵循大学的录取标准. 入学不需要作品集.

For specific Interior Design program questions, contact the Chair of Design, Philip Plowright, at pplowrigh@pulounge.com.

有关招生的一般问题, 我们的项目或大学, 请联系副院长, Lilian Crum, at lcrum@pulounge.com 或者点击下面的链接.

Advisory Board

katherine chapelle

Katherine Chapelle

natalie davis

Natalie Davis
Davis Corporate Solutions

wenching ding

Wenching DIng
Workplace Director

jenn hautamaki

Jenn Hautamaki
Bentley Mills

alexis kim

Alexis Kim
Workplace Strategist

abby krause

Abby Krause
Work Strategist  

betsy wagner

Betsy Wagner
Hobbs + Black

steve webber

Steve Webber
FSU Faculty

Carla wolf src=

Carla Wolf

geraldine drake

Geraldine Drake

lori james

Lori James

kiana wenzell

Kiana Wenzell
Design Core Detroit

dwayne adle

Dwayne Adle

shawn calvin

Shawn Calvin
inform Studio

heather carney

Heather Carney

carolyn dwyer

Carolyn Dwyer
Mohawk | IDCFC

heather greene

Heather Greene

Susan Heifleigh

Susan Heifleigh
EMU Faculty

diane lammers

Diane Lammers

tracy taylor

Tracy Taylor
T Squared Designs

patrick thompson

Patrick Thompson
Patrick Thompson Design

CoAD News




